My AnImAtEd SeRiEs "the world of clay" is closed
The reasons are as follows
1) I don't know how to animate at all
Yes, I do not know how to draw, much less animate, and even more so from plasticine, it is very difficult and I did not appreciate how difficult it is, and even the camera constantly jumps between frames, even despite the tripod that my parents bought me
2) My laziness
I no longer have the desire to do anything at all, I'm just not interested in it anymore
3) Lack of ideas
Because I'm not a brilliant screenwriter at all, the ideas for the series came to me quite by accident, but now I don't have any ideas for the series at all
Maybe when I learn how to draw cartoons from plasticine and "The World of Clay" will be able to return, but for now I want to try myself in 2D animation
Thanks to all my two and a half subscribers who have read this